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Victoria & Ben’s Farm Wedding Photos

As a Wedding Photographer,  it’s always exciting to capture a wedding for a friend. Last year, my co-worker from many years ago, Victoria asked me to capture her farm wedding out in Ravena. It was great meeting her fiance, Ben and talking about their upcoming nuptials, as well as their future bundle of joy. I loved the idea of doing an Engagement/Maternity Session for these two (check out the pics here). We had a great fall day in the park and I really enjoyed seeing the future Bride & Groom together. A few weeks ago, their day was finally here and we had a great time with Victoria and Ben along with their guests (and little Ben). We were able to get some fun photos of our couple at their campsite, with their single-engine airplane and a tractor. Good stuff…I’m happy that we were able to finish the night off with some sunset shots and an amazing fireworks display.

Photographers: Dexter, Eddie

Cinematographer: Beach