Shavonne’s Portraits in Albany

That’s right…we do portrait sessions too. When I have a break from wedding photography I love to shoot headshots, family portraits and fashion stuff. Studio portraits take me back to my roots……at the age of 19 I started in photography by taking pics for people in my mother’s basement with cloth backdrops and really bad lighting (gotta start somewhere). Well, with our almost 2000 sq ft space in Albany (plus great lighting) we have plenty of space to handle any studio session.
Shavonne came by last month to do a shoot for her event planning website so this was a great opportunity to make use of our new space. Shavonne got her makeup done by Allison Provenzano and hair by Yamanda Badal. Always, good people to work with.
It’s great that she wanted to do this session….too many business professionals (including myself) don’t keep up-to date photos of themselves on their sites and marketing materials. Glad we were able to help on this one. I’m looking forward to more shoots like this.