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Molly & Nick’s Wedding Photos at the Troy Country Club

Two years ago we shot a wedding for a couple at the Inn at at Erlowest. It was an great day and we got to meet some great people. One of those people was our brides brother and Groomsmen, Nick. Another was a Bridesmaid named Molly. When Molly & Nick contacted us about their upcoming nuptials, I was happy to hear from them again. It would be our first time there but we were excited to shoot their wedding photos at Troy Country Club. But, of course we had to do an Engagement Session first. So, last year we met in Saratoga for some engagement photos that included their 4-legged kids (checkout the flashback here).

Fast forward to Molly & Nick’s wedding day last June. This was a day filled with babies and puppies that helped create a few extra “awe” moments (you have to lean your head to the side when you say “awe”). We had a great time with our couple along with their family and friends taking photos at the Country Club of Troy (how did they get so much beer up that hill???).  It was great to see so many familiar faces and some new ones. Good stuff…we ended the night with some fun Photo Booth action, a lively dance floor and some sunset photos.

Photographers: Dexter, Sarah, Drew

Cinematographer: Beach