Denise & Ed's Valentines Day Wedding Photos

Valentines Day is always a day associated with love. So, it’s always something special when we have the opportunity to shoot Valentines Day wedding photos. I always joke about wedding days like this since for years to come the couple will celebrate their anniversary and the holiday in one day. Does that mean one gift or two? I guess that’s a debate for another day. 

I was excited to hear that one of my friends from high school was getting hitched on V-Day and I was even more excited that she wanted me to capture her day. A few weeks back, I headed down to Basking Ridge, New Jersey to shoot Denise & Ed’s big day at the Olde Mill Inn. Sometimes I wonder why we don’t shoot more Valentines Day weddings but when we went outside to the cold air I remembered why. The Olde Mill Inn has some pretty nice indoor spots for photos so we were able to get a break from the cold. 

I was happy to be a part of such a special day. Never thought that I would ever shoot a wedding that had one of the seven dwarfs as the ring bearer (sure…why not?).

Congrats to Denise and Ed!

Photographer: Dexter